Muhaideen Abdul Hafis, populary known in the Entertainment Industry as Haphiz Asem has finally released a statement officially announcing his stepping down as PRO.
He said "I deem it necessary to let the world know this. I'm officially relinquishing my position as the P. R. O. Of musician Raphius Amigos. This follows a lot of pressure that has mounted on me due to the demands of my work as a. P. R. O and my education. Combining the two herculean task has not been easy since 2013 till date. Today, 4th October 2016, I officially step down as the P. R. O of Raphius Amigos. "
"I wish him well in all his endeavors and may Allah Almighty continue to lift his work high.
Anybody who wants to do anything with the Lilaafi hitmaker should consult him directly and not through me." He added
You can contact Haphiz Asem on:
Facebook - Haphiz
Instagram - haphiz_asem
Email- haphizasem390@gmail. Com.
He finally apologized, "I apologize sincerely to anybody who wished this our union continued. It's Allah that knows best."
Long live Upper West Music. Long Live Raphius Amigos.
Muhaideen Abdul Hafis ( HaphiZ AseM)